The OR Society

We’re delighted to have the the Operational Research Society among the sponsors of the XXIX EWGLA Meeting. Find out more about “the professional home for the operational research and analytics community in the UK” by clicking here!

EWG on Locational Analysis

EWGLA is a Working Group devoted to Locational Analysis within EURO, the Association of European Operational Research Societies. The subjects of interest to the group are manifold, centering on the optimal choice of locations for one or more objects (usually called facilities), within any framework (the classical settings being discrete, network and planar). Many other fields have direct connections with location analysis and location theory, either by subject such as transportation and routing, supply chain management, environmental studies, layout and design, data and cluster analysis, or as techniques, like mathematical (linear, integer, non-linear, convex, global, …) programming, multi-criteria analysis, approximation theory, computational geometry, statistics, etc.

EWGLA has become a vehicle of communication between all persons interested in location and related topics in Operations Research in Europe and abroad. The major goal is to stimulate the exchange of information and collaboration in research and applications, and to promote the ideas and methods developed within the field. Several instruments are used to this end.
